Association of Middle East Anthropologists

The Middle East Studies Association is launching the Association of Middle East Anthropologists (AMEA)

Please attend our launch meeting on

Saturday, November 17


Directors Row I (Plaza-L)

We will be electing officers to take over from the current committee, so this is a great opportunity to be part of the first officers committee that will be tasked with setting the agenda and path of AMEA for the coming years.  We will also discuss the goals of the organization and how to involve more anthropologists at MESA.

The MESA Board of Directors has approved the Association of Middle East Anthropology (AMEA) as a new MESA affiliated organization. AMEA is a non-profit, nonpolitical organization dedicated to the ethnographic study of the culture, literature, art, music, politics, religion, and other aspects of the Middle East. The Association aims to stimulate academic research in Anthropological studies of the Middle East and to advance the study of the Anthropology of the Middle East. Through organizing annual meetings in conjunction with MESA, AMEA aims to facilitate communication and cooperation among its members and others interested in Anthropological studies of the Middle East alongside its sister organization the Middle East section of the Anthropological Association. For inquiries and membership, contact:
