Call for Submissions: 2024 Distinguished Service Prize!

The Middle East Section seeks to recognize an anthropologist who has done outstanding and extended service to our field. This could include building or supporting institutions, including but not limited to the Middle East Section, MESA, and academic journals; mentorship; leading public engagement efforts; planning international projects and conferences; or coordinating efforts among anthropologists to address issues of importance to us as anthropologists. An award of $500 will be offered to the winner, and they will be recognized at our fall 2024 business meeting.

To nominate someone, please have one person submit:

  1. A brief letter of nomination that addresses one or more of the above factors; 
  2. The candidate’s cv;
  3. At most 3-5 supporting letters, ideally submitted as one PDF.

Please submit these materials here by the extended deadline of Monday, September 16, 2024.

For questions, please email committee chair Amahl [dot] bishara [at] tufts [dot] edu.

Call for Submissions: 2023 MES Student Paper Prize!

The Middle East Section of the American Anthropological Association invites submissions for our Student Paper Prize. Both undergraduate and graduate students (who have not defended at time of submission) are eligible. The winner will receive a prize of $500, plus a chance to summarize the award-winning paper at the 2023 AAA meeting in Toronto and in Anthropology News, a publication of the AAA that goes to all m