The Middle East Section is pleased to solicit nominations for its bi-annual book award. This award is given to an anthropological work (single- or multi-authored, but not edited volume) that is of relevance to the field of Middle Eastern Studies.

The Committee will consider the following criteria while evaluating eligible books:
* Ethnographically strong
* Advances theoretical insights/knowledge relating to the anthropology of the Middle East
* Speaks to issues that hold relevance beyond the subfield of anthropology of the Middle East
* Clear and well-substantiated arguments
* Makes an original contribution to anthropology and/or Middle Eastern studies.
* Speaks to issues and problems that hold relevance beyond its specific topic.
* Well-written.

Books submitted for the 2023 award must have a publication date in 2021 or 2022. Submissions for this award should be accompanied by a brief note informing us that you are submitting the book for review so that we can keep track of nominations. Please send this note, along with a copy of the book, to each of the committee members listed below (the committee will accept either hard copies or digital copies of books). The nomination note and book may arrive separately (nominators/ authors can contact the editorial office of their press to have books sent directly to committee members). Awardees will be announced in fall 2023.

All submissions must be received by May 5, 2023.
Send any inquiries to the MES Book Award Chair, Nell Gabiam: